PHP South Africa 2018 Attendee Profiles
Once again this year, a core theme at the PHP SA 2018 Conference has been the importance of getting involved in OpenSource projects. This is why we have dusted off our yearly humorous educational project.
If you have been thinking about getting involved in OpenSource but the whole exercise seems daunting, we invite you to sign up a GitHub Account and submit a Pull Request to the the phpsa-2018-profiles project (the code that generates this page) as a way to get you started.
The main idea is to provide a safe environment in which to practice the mechanics of contributing to a GitHub
project in order to break down one more barrier between you and one of the world's most addictive hobbies.
If you're already an open source contributor/maintainer, this is also a great platform to recommend projects
for other attendee to get involved in.
By submitting a profile, you also get an opportunity introduce yourself and jump into the all-important "Hallway Track"
Most importantly, though, its fun to hack away at some code over the week
Once you've gotten your feet wet by submitting your first pull request, we recommend that you go have a look at Digital Ocean's Hacktoberfest initiative
You may also want to look at in this project if you'd like to continue to contribute here...
JetBrains License
The best submission to this project will win a 1-Year JetBrains license valid for any of their IDEs. In order to qualify for this prize, you need to open pull requests that do more than simply add your profile information
So this is the fourth time we are doing this... Its a PHP SA tradition now
At the PHP Craft Conference 2015 the contributors of this project played a little joke.
The 2015 conference organisers had decided to hold a competition to win a JetBrains PHPStorm license. To enter, attendees simply had to submit a Pull Request... to any OpenSource project. So we created a project!
Everyone was disqualified... :)
At the 2016 conference we tried to go legitimate to see if we could get away with it. We did. Zander was grumpy with us. It was hilarious
In 2017 the Cape Town conference attendees absolutly knocked the project out the park: PHP SA 2017 Profiles. This year the aim is to outdo last year
Michael Gooden
Michael Gooden is a Senior Software Developer at REDACTED.<br> He enjoys implementing best practice design patterns, arguing how tabs are evil and watching people take long walks on the beach in his hometown of Port Elizabeth.
GitHub Homepage: michaelgooden
Involved In
Brad Mostert
Brad is a senior developer at Afrihost and a Design Patterns acolyte.<br>He feeds exclusively on bandwidth and coffee, likes to herd servers (you know.. like cattle), does some Open Source and helps organise the Johannesburg PHP Meetup. <br>All user input submitted to him will be β> /dev/mullβ for consideration. <br> Brad also likes long walks on the beach and craft beer.
Twitter: @bsinkwa
GitHub Homepage: mostertb
Involved In
Michael Danckwerts
Michael aka Dankies is a junior developer and previous server administrator.<br>Face-rolling, hyperspeed, keyboard-banging, script-invoker.
Twitter: @xTcSyb3r1us
GitHub Homepage: Syb3r1us
Albert Scherman
Experienced Product Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology <br>and services industry. That line was suggested by LinkedIn and I think it's good. Skilled in MVC <br>Frameworks, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Web Applications, PHP, WordPress, and XML. Beginner <br>with TDD but getting there. Can composer and bootstrap fluently. Love learning new things.
Twitter: @A_Scherman
GitHub Homepage: Bird87ZA
Involved In
Gerhard Niemand
Gerhard is a junior PHP developer at Afrihost, mainly responsible for adding bugs into a well established application
Twitter: @NiemandG
GitHub Homepage: gerhardniemand
Involved In
Lee Pelser
I'm that guy...<br /><script>alert('πΊππ»');</script><script>console.log('That Guy Fucks')</script> " or ""=" -- Some guy on the internet
Twitter: @LeePelser2
GitHub Homepage: leepelser
Tshiamo Bhuda
Tshiamo Bhuda is Junior Developer at MiWay. <br>He is a fun person who likes solving problems and writing code. <br>His days are usually filled with excessive coffee drinking and coding. <br>He also loves music and tranquil places & enjoys sharing his skills to anyone willing to learn.
Twitter: tsitsideepbhuda
GitHub Homepage: tshiamobhuda
Tony Mack
Tony is an app dev<br>He makes apps.<br>
Twitter: @tonmanayo
GitHub Homepage: tonmanayo
Involved In
Andre Smith
Andre does Symfony development for MiWay Insurance. <br> He has recently started to explore VUE JS, and has been taking part in slowly introducing VUE JS into existing projects has is working on.
Twitter: @Cyberbeast
GitHub Homepage: smithandre
Le-Roux Enslin
Gamer since 8 bit, and never stopped. Dog person, loves the outdoor. Happiest when hining where there is no selphone reception.
Twitter: @VigourCanberra
GitHub Homepage: ViGouRCanberra
Dylan Harbour
I've been a PHP dev for over 10 years. Currently working at ROAM (Ringier One Africa Media) in Woodstock, Cape Town I believe in the benefits of Frameworks, especially Laravel. Passionate about innovation in Africa, photography and making things in both the physical and digital realm.
Twitter: dylanharbour
GitHub Homepage: dylanharbour
William Stam
William managed to get a job as a senior PHP developer at Munsoft, Munsoft being the ,brbiggest FMS system in Southern Africa.<br>He started his career with community publishers keeping them on track with the "big boys".<br>2018 is Williams 's first PHP confrence
Twitter: @awstam
GitHub Homepage: WilliamStam
Matt Vosloo
Matt does things with Laravel.<br>Currently learning all the cool things too.<br>Also dev at Cube Route Logistics
Twitter: @MattVosloo
GitHub Homepage: mattvosloo-cuberoute
Sarel "Seemonster" van der Walt
Dev Lead at Started coding when I was in grade 5. Fell in love with it from Turbo Pascal's days! (yes, yes I'm that old!) Proud dad of 3 kids, among them a Girl Coder!
Twitter: @sfvdwalt
GitHub Homepage: sarelvdwalt
Involved In
Franco Schwim
I'm a guy that doesn't talk a lot.<br />I listen and observe.<br />This is the first PHP I have ever written. <br />
Twitter: @FrancoSchwim
GitHub Homepage: Technaur
Dowayne Breedt Profile.
Sysadmin @ Afrihost. I am trying to git gud. I do lots of debugging.
Twitter: @breedt_dowayne
GitHub Homepage: DowayneB
Wayne Brummer
Wayne Brummer is a software engineer for Qlink Holdings and Wants to bring Open Source to his company. :) He needs this to happend ofr all the smiles.
Twitter: @WayneBrummer
GitHub Homepage: WayneBrummer
Liam Norman
Liam Norman is a software engineer at and organiser of the PHP Cape Town user group. With experience working on monolithic systems, smaller SPA systems as well as API's. He has a passion for TDD, Laravel, CI/CD, and API Development. When not coding late into the night, he can be seen hiking table mountain or dabbling with anything PHP related.
Twitter: @liamjnorman
GitHub Homepage: LiamNorman
Paco Ilondo
Developer. PHP lover. Web artisan.<br>When not coding, watching football.
Twitter: @PacoIlondo
GitHub Homepage: pacilondo
Noel Young
Noel is the software development manager at Switch Telecom. 2018 was his first PHP conference and it was awesome!
Twitter: @youngrunner83
GitHub Homepage: noeljyoung